Friendly Helpers - Mes meilleurs copines
They are everywhere, friends and sisters
Each one lovely, my best helpers
In each word, in each whisper
Sometimes they replace a shoulder.
Sadness as ink, it dries a cry.
If there is something dull, you should try,
Try to confess them, what's sad, what's bad
Writing is a good way to prevent from being mad.
They are my friends and faithful sisters
My pink colors for love letters
They also write the so hot "french letter"
They help me to climb, ladder after ladder
The skies to be higher and higher.
Sometimes it goes to a dead-end
And all become a dead-letter
When things goes to an end
They look like the dead flowers.
They are, all 26, friendly helpers
Creating words for shouts and whispers
To write, to say or just to keep in mind,
Always with me, always by my side.
Letters are atoms of word and verses,
Of both sad or cool sentences
Always here to hear my wishes and whispers
Letters, you are all my sisters.